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P2XFloater in Norway
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Power-to-X Solutions & eAmmonia Production

Up to 1 GW and 820 000 tonnes of eAmmonia production capacity per year

H2Carrier is the designer and owner of the proprietary floating energy production and storage system P2XFloater™: The first industrial scale floating green hydrogen and ammonia facility of its kind in the world.


The concept is based on proven floating production, storage and off-take technology and based on pressurized and temperature controlled tank technology combined with an e-control system capable of balancing renewable electricity feedstock through a fully integrated PEM and

Haber-Bosch system.


The P2XFloater™ production platform has a fully scalable production capacity in the range 100 000 - 230 000 tonnes of green ammonia (eAmmonia) per year using a converted very large gas carrier (VLGC). With a new build vessel, production can be scaled up to 1GW renewable power capacity, resulting in an ammonia production capacity of 820 000 tonnes per year.

Harnessing renewable energy

Unlocking previously inaccessible
renewable energy, converting it into
a product exportable to markets
across the globe

Minimal environmental footprint

The P2XFloater utilizes local
renewable energy, seawater and air
to produce an environmentally
friendly energy carrier

Pioneering  the green E-fuels market

A mobile production platform that requires almost no existing infrastructure, minimize local environmental impact and produce
industrial scale green ammonia 

P2XFloater in boreal environment

H2Carrier's P2XFloater by the numbers


Years of accumulated team experience in energy


Capacity of renewable energy


Tonnes annual green NH3 production capacity


Tonnes of CO2 equivalents saved per year

Norwegian fjord

Safe and Proven Technology. 
          Global Cost Leader.
                     Green Economy Pioneer.

The world needs to reduce the carbon footprint, everyone can agree on that. The question is how do we go about doing it?

Hydrogen has by the majority of world's renewables experts been identified as the solution to the energy transition. However, hydrogen is very difficult to transport in large quantities over long distances. This is why using ammonia as an H2 carrier will be paramount to creating meaningful and scalable green infrastructure tools and energy production solutions for a new and greener future.

H2Carrier UN goals

Get onboard H2CARRIER now

Martin Linges vei 25

1364 Fornebu


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© 2021 | H2CARRIER AS | Graphics & Design |

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