Sep. 22, 2022
Today, H2Carrier had the opportunity to present the P2X Floater to the Norwegian government's "Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment" in Lakselv, Finnmark.
It was emphasised from us that Finnmark has Europe’s most attractive wind resources, large areas with significant wind potential and that the P2XFLoater represents an opportunity to start producing energy without waiting for construction of new transmission facilities.
In parallel, the major of Lebesby, Sigurd Rafaelsen presented his view on future opportunities for Lebesby and its’ plan for balancing development and employment whilst respectfully caring about nature both at land and at sea. He also informed about ongoing projects for developing wind projects in the municipality.
Discussions were hosted in the exclusive facilities of the “Boaššu Foodlab” with a very skillful team in the kitchen, inludinc young Sámi under education serving local specialties. All superbly hosted by Mr. Anders Oskal.