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The P2XFloater™

The world’s first floating production unit for producing green ammonia at an industrial scale

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Using established engineering and technology combined with centralized assembly and construction allows for a high quality vessel with competitive cost. Unlike other green ammonia production facility, the P2XFloater™ does not require leasing or purchasing of land, storage tanks, pier construction or constructional and operational concessions. P2XFloater™ is also flexible in its positioning, as it can be situated where renewable energy has the lowest cost. This allows the P2XFloater to utilize the lowest renewable power prices in the world, thus producing extremely cost competitive green ammonia.

Green hydrogen is produced by seawater which is purified and fed into electrolyzers. The green hydrogen is combined with nitrogen extracted from the air and synthesized in an ammonia generator to produce green ammonia.

All steps are powered by renewable wind, solar or hydro energy through a high capacity power cable from a renewable power source next to the P2XFloater™.

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H2Carrier has a partnership with Trelleborg to use their KLAW LNG liquid gas transfer solution. This enables the P2XFloater™ to export ammonia to transport vessels directly using ship-to-ship transfer of liquid ammonia through hoses. This will minimize the need for onshore infrastructure and essentially makes the side of the P2XFloater™ an export terminal.

Minimized onshore infrastructure

The P2XFloater only requires a sheltered location and a few hardpoints for mooring. The flexible mooring system enable the vessel to move with the tide. This enables the vessel to  be positioned for projects where access to land area is challenging and/or minimize site preparation and impact on nature.

Other benefits of a floating production plant is less exposure to earthquakes and flooding.


Martin Linges vei 25

1364 Fornebu


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